Garnnett examines a freshly cloned Cannabis plant on a Rasta licensed Cannabis farm.
Maji says a prayer while seated on his "throne' located in the centre of his Cannabis grow.
Rasta elder smoking a chalice in Kingston
Rasta elder smoking a chalice, Kingston
Dawitt, a Rastafari priest, smokes his Chalice.
Police stand outside of a block party in the neighbourhood of Clifton, Jamaica
A man cleans while Cannabis is sun dried on a Rasta licensed Cannabis facility near Lindstead, Jamaica
A man sweeps while Cannabis is dried on a tarp.
Plants are hand watered on a Rasta licensed Cannabis facility, near Lindstead, Jamaica
Hand trimming and pruning Cannabis on a Rasta Licensed farm near Linstead, Jamaica.
Plants are hand watered on a Rasta licensed growing facility near Linstead, Jamaica.
Plants are hand watered on a Rasta licensed growing facility near Linstead, Jamaica.
Wooden structures are erected to hold rain off of plants on a Rasta Licensed Cannabis facility near Linstead, Jamaica.
Flowering Cannabis is sprayed with a blend of coconut water and other organic extracts. Linstead, Jamaica.
Rainy day on a Rasta Cannabis facility near Linstead, Jamaica
Family of pigs, Portmore, Jamaica
Mountain River Cave Waterfall, St Catherine Jamaica. A cave is located under the waterfall containing petroglyphs made by the original peoples of Jamaica prior to their extinction by the Spanish.
Fish are cleaned on the streets of Port Maria, Jamaica.
Cars shoot flames at a car meet near Albany, Jamaica.
Independence day street vendor, Portmore, Jamaica.
Independence Day party Portmore , Jamaica